Your link to first-rate employment relations advice.
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm
We are often relied on to sanity check policy direction, and we play a big part in shaping how administrations move forward.
Both local and central government have more challenges than just about any industry you can think of. This is especially the case given our ‘new’ post-Covid environment. Voters have short memories, and it’s not straightforward to be able to meet the needs of so many conflicting priorities, needs and wants.
We assist both the governmental and ministerial components of administrations and, although we serve different purposes for each, our roles intersect when we provide information, insight and assistance to help the voice of our members be heard. We are often relied on to sanity check policy direction, and we play a big part in shaping how administrations move forward.
We’re apolitical, simply wanting what is best for our members and the broader business community, to ensure economic growth is maximised for the benefit of everyone.
Your link to first-rate employment relations advice.
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm