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Let’s Get Wellington Moving: scoping consultation seeking feedback on the ‘Golden Mile’ and ‘Central City Safer Speeds’, the precursor to the next round of formal consultation

Wellington Chamber of Commerce Submission

Issue date

The Chamber supports the overarching goals of the wider LGWM, however...

Wellington businesses are concerned about the underinvestment in the City and region’s transport infrastructure. As part of our previous submission to LGWM, the Chamber undertook an extensive survey of businesses, and when asked: “Do you believe that Wellington’s transport system needs further development and investment?”

Some 96.86% of respondents believed that the Wellington region needs further transport development and investment - over 600 people. This is also a common concern highlighted in our quarterly business confidence surveys. Our most recent survey, in September, asked respondents “What are the three issues that concern you most about doing business in your area?” It was the most highly ranked issue of concern from businesses. Over half, 55.91% cited Transport Infrastructure as their main concern.

Below are some of the comments, in response to asking respondents about what they believe are the barriers holding back the city, region, or their own business. Responses to this question were unprompted, with respondents having unlimited characters to provide a response, and taken from the past three quarterly surveys.

  • “The lack of parking in the city as well as places to be able to pick up and drop off passengers.”
  • “Getting around the city - still nowhere to put a truck to unload it. Constant enforcement of parking when no alternatives are provided.”
  • “Parking to visit clients (not in a position to use public transport) and the one-eyed view of the Wellington City Council against cars which at the moment remain a necessity.”
  • We need “Parking in the central city for short term parking (up to 4 hours) rather than the commuters - who stop those who need to visit the city.”
  • “Lifting through-traffic out of the CBD by way of flyover or tunnels, not implementing the light rail and reduction of parking in the CBD. Naive projects.”
  • “Although I am a cyclist, I find the anti-Motor car movement worrying, lack of car parking and deliberate restrictions on roading.”
  • “Parking is a big issue - there is so little of it around.”
  • “Lack of parking in Wellington and now the council is charging for parking on weekends. This significantly reduces visitors to Wellington and makes it uneconomical to open on the weekend.”
  • “Roading. The adverse effect of increased cycle lanes on traffic flow and the lack of parking in the city as well as places to be able to pick up and drop off passengers.”

As referenced above, in November 2017 the Chamber undertook extensive research of our members’ transport views as part of the first Let’s Get Wellington Moving public consultation. The survey resulted in 642 responses from businesses across the region’s five chambers. Respondents were asked about the current transportation challenges for themselves or their business as they saw them. Responses to this question were unprompted, with respondents having unlimited characters to provide a response and lack of parking in the CBD was cited by 15 per cent of respondents. More interestingly, respondents were also asked about what trade-offs they would be prepared to make if it meant the implementation of the full Let’s Get Wellington Moving package, with the result of a more efficient transport network for all users. Suggestions were provided, and respondents could answer more than once. Just under half, 42 per cent, said they would consider giving up street car parking close to their destination, and 41 per cent would consider giving up some private vehicle access to the inner city. There was a crossover of 20 per cent between the two answers. What these responses reinforced was the need for an efficient transport network that made it easy for users, regardless of the mode of transport used. Respondents were willing to change or moderate their behaviour and modal use should there be alternatives to support them...

Download to read the full submission.

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